The Surprising Link Between Autoimmune Disease and Your Diet

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Fake Food Labels

Misleading nutrition/food labels

The Rise in Autoimmune Disease

The rise in autoimmune disease, let’s see why. Food manufacturers can use catchwords that imply more than they deliver, “natural, sugar-free, grain-free, low-fat, light, etc.” Don’t be fooled by misleading food labels.

Better yet: work to cut down or cut out your purchase of all foods with labels. Most of the healthiest foods do not have, or need a label!

What is a Western diet?

“The biggest features of a Western diet are overconsumption of over-refined sugars, highly refined and saturated fats. Animal protein and a reduced intake of whole plant-based fiber are also an issue.

This rounds up the Western diet, which is high in fat, red meat, salt, and sugars. The diet, in general, is low in fiber with far too many calories.

People in the UK are following the American trend of moving towards a culture of fast food.

But what impact can this diet have on your health?

Apart from increasing the risk of infection, the body rejects highly processed and refined foods. They can throw your immune system off and can kick-start an immune reaction.

In the case of infection with bacteria, like with the bacteria E.Coli,” the body then starts an immune attack against the supposed bacteria which results in a low level of inflammation.

Distracting the immune system in this way means immune cells won’t be as ready to attack when facing a real infection. “It throws off the way your body responds and eventually gets worse.

There is still hope

The good news is, that the effect is reversible! A change in diet to remove exposure to these food components can restore immune activity to its normal state.

The low-grade inflammation will subside and you will eventually re-store your gut bacteria. This plays a crucial role in the health and well-being of your gut and your whole body.

Eating processed foods can cause the good bacteria in your gut to be pushed out.

The Rise in Autoimmune Diseases

It is now a fact that more and more people around the world are suffering. Their immune systems can no longer tell the difference between healthy cells and invading micro-organisms.

Disease defenses that once protected them are instead attacking their tissue and organs and making people sick.

Increase in Illness

Studies have shown that number of autoimmune cases began to increase about 40 years ago in the West. We are now seeing some emerge in countries that never had such diseases before.

In Asia, inflammatory bowel disease had hardly ever been seen. But recently there has been a massive increase in cases.

Autoimmune diseases can range from type 1 diabetes to rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and psoriasis. Others include  Guillain-barre syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, and many more.

In each case, the immune system gets its wires crossed and turns on healthy tissue instead of infectious agents.

Read the article: Autoimmune Expert James Lee of London`s Francis Crick Institute explains

Over 4 million living with autoimmune Diseases

In the UK alone, at least 4 million people have developed such conditions. Some individuals suffer from one or more of these diseases. Internationally, it is now estimated that cases of autoimmune diseases are rising by between 3% and 9% a year.

In the last twenty years if not more, changes in diet are occurring more.  More countries are adopting Western-style diets. People and buying more fast food and pre-prepared processed packed foods.


Fast Food Causes a Rise in Autoimmune Disease

“Fast-food diets lack certain important nutrients and evidence suggests this alteration affects a person’s microbiome. This is the collection of micro-organisms in our gut that play a key role in controlling various bodily functions.

These changes in our microbiomes are then triggering autoimmune diseases. There are more than 100 types that have been discovered.

Many of these above-mentioned foods are involved in contracting such illnesses. They trigger inflammation and swelling and can over time cause damage to various organs, including the heart.

That means growing numbers of people will face surgery at some point in their lives or will have to have regular injections for the rest of their lives. It can be grim for patients and a massive strain on health services.

Diet plays a large role in the health of a population. When it comes to improving personal health, experts stress the need for people to take care of what they are eating.

Check out my recipes for healthy, organic chemical-free recipes: 

“This is going to have to be a voluntary choice to make,” It`s up to you, you have one life and one body, take care of it!


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